Top Concerns on Surrogacy

What does Surrogacy mean?

Not all of us are blessed with the ability to procreate. This is evident with infertile couples and gay partners who need help in starting their own family. Thanks to science, there is now a way to make this dream a reality.

IVF or In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilizing an egg outside the human body. If the female is incapable of carrying the fertilized egg (embryo) to term, surrogacy can make this happen. In this regard, surrogacy can be defined as the process by which a couple (intended parents) goes into contract with another woman (surrogate) to carry their fertilized egg.

Exactly what is the price for surrogacy?

This procedure definitely comes with a hefty price tag. It is in fact very expensive to go through this procedure. The chunk of the expense comes from the numerous medical examinations and medications, as well as the payment for the Surrogate’s services. Comparing fees among Surrogate agencies is ideal to get a good start in financing for this process. There is also fertility Financing offered in many states where this procedure is largely practiced and accepted.

Is Surrogacy Legal?

It is legal in some states such as California, Oregon and Illinois. This makes it possible for couples to have children and achieve their hopes of building a family. On the other hand, other states such as New Jersey and New York, have contrasting views on the process.

Is there a connection between the surrogate and the child?

There are two types of surrogacy. One is called “gestational surrogacy,” wherein the surrogate just serves as a carrier for the baby and is in no way associated with the genetics that create the fertilized egg. Then there is traditional surrogacy, which uses the surrogate’s egg and the sperm of the male donor to create an embryo. In this case, the surrogate has her genes in the embryo.

Are there instances that a surrogate claims the infant as hers?

To ensure that a Surrogate goes through with the process according to plan, she will have to undergo a series of stringent physical and psychological tests. These exams assess a Surrogate’s overall capacity to carry and then turn over the child to its rightful parents. Furthermore, a legal document is signed and agreed upon in the presence of a legal representative to safeguard the interests of all parties involved,