gestational surrogate

Nutrition 101 For Gestational Surrogate Mothers

Nutrition 101 For Gestational Surrogate Mothers in Illinois

To achieve optimum nutrition as a gestational surrogate mother in Illinois, know which types of food are packed with the most nutrition for you and your baby. This article will give you practical advice about what you can do to ensure proper nutrition for you and the baby you are carrying.

To begin, focus on a diet plan that contains the right kinds of food to eat throughout the day. Make sure to include breakfast. This often-neglected meal is, in fact, the most important meal of the day, as it refuels your body after having gone without food the entire night. You should also learn effective ways to balance your diet to enjoy the best in nutrition. When planning meals and snacks, observe a certain ratio regarding the nutrients you consume. What you take in should be about half carbs, then one-quarter protein and one-quarter fat. Keep in mind that as a surrogate mother, you are not just eating for yourself, but also for the baby you are carrying.

As a gestational surrogate mom, eat small meals frequently. Five or six smaller portions spaced throughout the course of a day will render better food digestion and keep weight down. Managing your weight as a gestational surrogate mom can help prevent hypertension, diabetes, and other diseases. Frequent eating also lowers your appetite, lessening the urge to overeat.

Another great tip is to monitor your water intake. About eight glasses per day is recommended, but you can have more if you feel like it. Water is great for keeping you hydrated and making you feel full without the guilt of bad cholesterol.

Eat foods loaded with Vitamin B6, such as asparagus, wheat germ, and chicken breast. This vitamin is known to fight depression, as it boosts serotonin levels. Including B6 in your diet is sure to lift your spirits and keep you feeling great.

As a surrogate, you must integrate fiber into your diet regimen. Fiber helps maintain your weight because it keeps you full while regulating your cholesterol levels. Health ailments that fiber helps with include diabetes, cardiac concerns, and, reportedly, a few forms of cancer.

Giving in to your food cravings is only natural, but to ensure that you are eating healthy, make healthy food switches. An example of this is to go for baked goods rather than sugary treats. Another is to eat steamed or boiled foods rather than fried, oily ones. The food will still taste great, and will keep your tummy full.

As a gestational surrogate, realize that correct nutrition is the key to how good you feel, as what you put into your body affects your well-being. Consider the advice in this article and use it to improve your nutrition.