Surrogacy Blog

What Causes Heartburn In Pregnancy – And How To Avoid It

One of the most common discomforts associated with pregnancy is acid reflux, or heartburn. Several factors associate this with pregnancy, but they boil down to hormonally-driven bodily changes.

It’s relevant that even women who had never previously suffered from acid reflux, may experience this during pregnancy. The problem usually manifests in pregnancy’s later stages, especially once the fetus has developed into full-term.

The severity does vary between women – some surrogate mothers receive very mild, tolerable and controllable symptoms, while others unfortunately experience much worse bouts. But it may help to understand just why this discomfort occurs.

One of the factors linking heartburn to pregnancy is the hormonal change that happens then – an increase in hormonal levels can drive certain changes in how the body functions.

For instance, the lower esophageal sphincter – LES – may loosen up, causing gastric acid to flow up, or ‘reflux’, into the esophagus. The main function of the LES is to prevent stomach acid from doing this, but it’s loosened by hormonal changes.

Another factor is the simple change that occurs to a woman’s body. As the baby develops and grows, the woman’s belly expands to accommodate its increasing size and the associated increase in amniotic fluid.

This can cause some amount of pressure to the esophagus and stomach, disrupting normal digestive processes and thereby causing acid reflux.

There are several ways to avoid the problem. One is to avoid foods that tend to trigger or aggravate the system – citrus fruits/juices, spicy foods, oily or fried foods, and processed food products especially. It may also be a good idea to cut down on chocolate and caffeine.

Another tip is to eat small but frequent meals throughout the day; this helps to achieve efficient digestion. Light snacks between meals will keep you from experiencing hunger pains – the point is to avoid heavy meals that put pressure on the digestive system and trigger heartburn.

Acid reflux is definitely preventable, if you observe the proper measures. Learn what to do and make changes in your eating habits to control it – and therefore enjoy a healthier and more comfortable surrogate pregnancy.

Your Next Steps

To apply to be a surrogate mother with the Illinois Surrogate Agency, simply fill out our easy online form, and one of our friendly, knowledgeable caseworkers will be in touch with you to discuss your application, talk about the next steps in the process, and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, you can also check out our free reports for more information on surrogacy and the surrogate experience.

Understanding Surrogate Mothers

For the most part, surrogate mothers aren’t in it for the money. They do expect to be compensated for their considerable time and effort, but it’s not their primary motivation. We’ve found that, generally speaking, the women who make the best surrogates are the ones who are in it more for the emotional rewards.

Understanding Surrogate Mothers

After they’ve delivered, we interview our surrogates. We’ve consistently found that, of the ones who want to repeat the experience, their main motivation is the emotional reward and not the money.

A medically-qualified surrogate must have given birth at least once before, so most of our surrogate mothers have their own children. They report that one of the main reasons they want to be a surrogate is because they enjoy being a parent, love their own children – and wish to help other people achieve the same happiness.

After all, it’s an amazing gift to be able to offer: helping to create a lifelong bond between the intended parents and the baby you’re carrying for them. It’s a selfless act and an extraordinary gift; most of our surrogates find that the negative side-effects of pregnancy are more than completely justified by seeing the joy and happiness in the intended parents’ eyes.

Not that the negative side-effects are such a big deal, to the women who do best as surrogate mothers. They tend to be women who give birth easily with few complications, and feel at their healthiest when pregnant.

To them, helping other couples increases their self-esteem – because they feel they’ve
given that extraordinary gift – while making them feel fantastic.

All things considered, money is the least of what drives our surrogates. It’s a common misconception that they’re doing it for the cash – really, it’s the emotional reward, the desire to help others in their own small way.

Your Next Steps

To apply to be a surrogate mother with the Illinois Surrogate Agency, simply fill out our easy online form, and one of our friendly, knowledgeable caseworkers will be in touch with you to discuss your application, talk about the next steps in the process, and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, you can also check out our free reports for more information on surrogacy and the surrogate experience.

The Surrogate Mother Journey with Chelsea

A lot of women considering surrogate motherhood aren’t sure what to expect – learning about other women’s experiences might help them make a better decision.

Several of our surrogate mothers volunteered to share their stories. This is Chelsea’s.

The Surrogate Mother Journey with Chelsea

Chelsea is a single mother who wanted to earn some extra money, in order to go back to college. She became interested in the idea when she saw – while looking for part-time work – an online ad for surrogate mothers.

Since she loved being pregnant, and had very easy deliveries of her own children, she decided that surrogacy would be a natural fit.

“My parents and friends were fine with the idea,” she said. “The only difficulty I had was explaining it to my kids – they were confused that the baby didn’t belong to me. I told them I was just helping another mommy by growing that mommy’s baby in my tummy.”

Her first intended parents were the Jacobs. Finding them was simple, because she had no restrictions or special preferences. It took about three months to make the match.

That experience was totally professional; her intended parents wanted it that way, and Chelsea was fine with it. They didn’t socialize much, and agreed on restrictions such as no phone calls and no non-emergency home visits – all the Jacobs’ information came through the surrogate agency and the doctor’s office.

When the time came to deliver the baby, though, the Jacobs were there to support her. They even gave her a thank-you card and some flowers.

When we asked Chelsea if there was anything about her experience that surprised her, she answered “No, all the surrogacy processes were made clear to me – my only surprise was the maternity clothing allowance. I could buy new maternity clothes for free!”

The money Chelsea made is safe in the bank, ready to be used when she resumes college.

Because she had a clear agreement with the Jacobs, Chelsea’s experience was wonderful – no misunderstandings, conflicts or other experiences.

“There’s nothing at all about it that I would have changed,” she said.

Your Next Steps

To apply to be a surrogate mother with the Illinois Surrogate Agency, simply fill out our easy online form, and one of our friendly, knowledgeable caseworkers will be in touch with you to discuss your application, talk about the next steps in the process, and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, you can also check out our free reports for more information on surrogacy and the surrogate experience.

The Surrogate Mother Journey with Beth

A lot of women considering surrogate motherhood aren’t sure what to expect – learning about other women’s experiences might help them make a better decision.

Several of our surrogate mothers volunteered to share their stories. This is Beth’s.

The Surrogate Mother Journey with Beth

Beth was a 30-year-old single mother whose friend had a wonderful experience as a paid surrogate. After seeing how much her friend enjoyed this – and that she made great money – Beth decided to try it herself. Having spoken with her friend, she went in well-prepared.

“Some acquaintances didn’t understand how I could just ‘give up the baby,’” Beth said, when we asked how the people in her life reacted to her being a surrogate. “I just explained that I could because it wasn’t ‘my baby’ – I was just carrying the intended parents’ baby for them as a favor.”

She explained the pregnancy to her daughter by saying that although she was pregnant, the baby was not hers and wouldn’t be a part of their family.

When it came to her ideal intended parents, Beth’s preferences were quite simple: she wanted them to be loving and responsible people so she could be sure that the baby she was carrying would be loved and cared for. It only took her four months to get matched with the Pattersons, her new intended parents.

Beth and the Pattersons agreed that it would be best to maintain a professional relationship. Beth, highly valuing her privacy, asked that the Pattersons not visit her at home. They were free to call her periodically to check up, though.

They took time from their busy schedule to join her at doctor’s appointments, and were in the delivery room with Beth when she finally gave birth. While she was in the hospital post-delivery, they gave her a care package.

Everyone agreed that Beth would receive periodic updates and pictures of the baby and the family, and the Pattersons asked if they could use Beth as a surrogate again if they should ever want another baby. Beth happily agreed to this.

Following her first experience as a surrogate, Beth does wish she’d done a few things a little differently. “In hindsight, I wish I could have made more of an effort to get to know the Pattersons,” she said. “And I’d like to have kept a video journal to give the Pattersons as a keepsake.”

Some of the money she received as a surrogate was spent as a down payment on a badly-needed new car; the rest went to credit-card bills.

“I’m very glad I made the decision to be a surrogate mother,” Beth said. “I’d definitely recommend it to others, and I’d love to be one again if the chance arises.”

Your Next Steps

To apply to be a surrogate mother with the Illinois Surrogate Agency, simply fill out our easy online form, and one of our friendly, knowledgeable caseworkers will be in touch with you to discuss your application, talk about the next steps in the process, and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, you can also check out our free reports for more information on surrogacy and the surrogate experience.

The Surrogate Mother Journey With Amber

A lot of women considering surrogate motherhood aren’t sure what to expect – learning about other women’s experiences might help them make a better decision.

Several of our surrogate mothers volunteered to share their stories. This is Amber’s.

The Surrogate Mother Journey With Amber

Amber already has her own child, but when her sister – who had had a hysterectomy – wanted a biological child, Amber agreed to be the surrogate. At first hesitant, she found it to be an amazing experience – that she wanted to repeat for someone else, to help them realize their dreams of becoming mothers.

“Initially I was doing it for my sister, but I found I enjoyed being a surrogate much more than I suspected,” she said. “I thought to myself that this would be a great way to help out others and make money at the same time.”

When Amber brought up the idea of being a hired surrogate, her family and friends supported her. They’d seen her as a surrogate for her sister, so they understood what was happening and why she was doing it.

“My husband was used to me being a surrogate for my sister, so he was fine with my doing it again,” Amber said. “While my own child had also seen me as one, so he already understood the baby was not mine and would go with someone else once it was born.”

On her next surrogacy journey, Amber was asked what kind of people she’d like her intended parents to be. She indicated that she’d prefer a Christian couple as her intended parents, a financially-stable couple who liked children.

It took her about six months to meet a Christian couple named the Wolberts. Amber had a good feeling about them, and they decided to work together.

Amber wanted open communications with them, allowing the intended parents to call anytime until 9 pm, and inviting them to come with her to doctor’s visits. When the Wolberts asked if they could buy her groceries, Amber accepted the offer – for herself, at least, but not for the rest of her family.

“It was a wonderful relationship,” she said. “The Wolberts were very supportive of me; we even exchanged gifts on a number of occasions.”

One of her most unforgettable experiences was how the Wolberts reacted to a gift she’d prepared for them. Once a week during the pregnancy, Amber took a picture of herself, making a photo album of herself getting bigger. As a sign of gratitude, the Wolberts responded by giving her a spa treatment, which she went to with Mrs. Wolbert.

Amber hadn’t expected that her personal connection with the intended parents would become so strong. “We really formed a lasting friendship through the surrogacy experience,” she said.

The Wolberts, for their part, plan on telling their child how Amber helped them, and they hope to maintaining a close relationship with her and her family going forwards.

Amber hadn’t expected to form such a strong relationship with the Wolberts, and the money she earned has enabled her to start a college fund for her son. As a result, she’s really pleased with her experience as a surrogate, and wishes she’d started it earlier in life.

“It’s a life-altering experience,” she said, “and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.”

Your Next Steps

To apply to be a surrogate mother with the Illinois Surrogate Agency, simply fill out our easy online form, and one of our friendly, knowledgeable caseworkers will be in touch with you to discuss your application, talk about the next steps in the process, and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, you can also check out our free reports for more information on surrogacy and the surrogate experience.

3 Tips To Consider Before Using A Friend Or Relative As Your Surrogate Mother

3 Tips To Consider Before Using A Friend Or Relative As Your Surrogate Mother

Being told that you need a surrogate mother to carry your baby is an overwhelming experience. If you are like most intended parents, your first instinct is to ask a friend or relative to be your surrogate. You may think this is the best choice for you since you will feel comfortable knowing that your surrogate is someone that you trust to carry your child, and also because your friend or relative will probably not demand as much money as an unknown surrogate would demand, so you would save money. There some important things to consider before choosing a friend or relative to be your surrogate mother.

3 Tips To Consider Before Using A Friend Or Relative As Your Surrogate Mother

The surrogacy process is long and intense for the surrogate mother. First, she must pass medical tests before the physician will allow her to proceed as your surrogate. Another important screening test that you would have to get your friend or relative to undergo would be a psychological test. This screening test can be a bit difficult to ask from your friend or relative but it is important. The stress and emotional complications associated with the process of surrogacy can take its toll during the journey so it is better to have your friend or relative pass this important test first. Then, she must faithfully follow the complicated fertility procedure instructions, including taking injections and other medications, going to medical appointments and undergoing medical procedures. All of these steps are critical to a successful surrogacy. If your friend or relative does not follow all of the instructions she is given to the letter, the result may be a failed cycle and no pregnancy. When you use a friend or relative as your surrogate, they may not take their responsibilities as a surrogate as seriously as an unknown woman who is being paid to be your surrogate. An unknown surrogate will make sure to act responsibly because she is financially motivated to do so.

If your friend or relative does not meet all of the doctor’s medical requirements for a surrogate, you may request that the doctor allow her to proceed anyway, because she makes you feel the most comfortable and you think she is the most affordable option. While the stipend you would pay to your friend may be less, using your friend as a surrogate mother may end up costing you much more in the long run. If you friend is not medically qualified to act as your surrogate, the chances for a successful pregnancy may be dramatically decreased and you may need to repeat the fertility treatments until a pregnancy is achieved. These treatments are normally very expensive, and you may not be able to afford all of the treatments you need to have before a pregnancy is achieved. Using a friend as your surrogate may end up costing you much more than using an unknown surrogate would have cost you.

If your friend or relative is not medically qualified to be your surrogate mother, you may decide to not use her as your surrogate. This can potentially create a lot of problems in your relationship with her. Perhaps your friend or relative was really counting on the money you would have paid her to be your surrogate and is angry that you are changing your mind. Perhaps she may feel as though she is incompetent or not good enough to be your surrogate mother and feel resentful towards you. You might blame your friend or relative in the event that the fertility treatments fail and be angry with her. You might be resentful of your friend or relative if she insists on being your surrogate despite not being medically qualified since she may be hurting your chances of having a baby.

Getting someone you know involved with your surrogacy journey may seem like a good plan to you. In reality there are very few times when using a friend or relative as a surrogate mother are as low-cost, successful and stress-free as the intended parents had planned. Using someone you know often increases the treatment costs and chances for emotional conflict and decreases the chances of success. It is more preferable to use a surrogate referred by a reliable surrogate agency. Surrogate agencies have pre-screened these surrogates by reviewing their medical records and background history. These surrogates from surrogate agencies are medically qualified to carry a child to term. They are emotionally stable and know exactly what their responsibilities are on your surrogacy journey. To ensure a stress free surrogacy, it would be better to trust surrogacy agencies that know exactly how to support and help you with this journey.

Your Next Step

To find the surrogate mother that’s right for you and your family, simply fill out our easy free online application and a Illinois Surrogate Agency caseworker will contact you with you to discuss your application, answer any questions you might have, and outline the next steps. And in the meantime, you can also download our free reports to get even more information on surrogacy and the surrogate experience.